Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Prof. Johana E. Prawitasari, Ph.D

Faculty of Psychology
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
Bulak Sumur, Yogyakarta 55281 INDONESIA
Phone:    62-274-550435; Fax: 62-274-550436

Jl. Ki Mangunsarkoro 27
Yogyakarta 55111
Phone: 62-274-515456
Fax: 62-274-562990
Mobile: 0818 460 382

1974 – present
Educational Staff, Faculty of Psychology,
University of Gadjah Mada (UGM)
1986 – present
Lecturer, UGM Graduate Study Program
1988 – 1993
Lecturer, University of Indonesia, Jakarta,
Psychology Graduate Study Program,
1989 – present
Lecturer, State University of Malang (formerly: College of Education
Malang, Jawa Timur), Graduate Study Program
1991 (6 months)
Visiting Professor for 6 months in the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
and University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA, Department of Psychology
1993 – 1996
Management, Psychology Graduate Study Program, UGM Graduate Program
1996 – 2003
Chair, Department of Clinical Psychology,
Faculty of Psychology, UGM
1996 – 2004
Management, Health Service Magister Management, Public Health Graduate
Study Program, UGM Graduate Program
2004 (2 months)
Visiting Professor University College of Boras, Sweden
2002 – present
Professor of Clinical Psychology, Gadjah Mada University
2008 (2 months)
Visiting Professor Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, July-September
2009 (2 months)
Visitng Professor Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand
(proposed to be appointed as Adjunct Professor at the School of Public Health
and Psychosocial Studies, AUT )

1982 – 1985
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
Department of Psychology
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
1979 – 1982
M.A. in Psychology
Department of Psychology
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
1969 – 1973
Dra. in Educational Psychology
Faculty of Psychology, UGM, Yogyakarta
1965 – 1969
B.A. in Psychology
Faculty of Psychology, UGM, Yogyakarta
1962 – 1965
High School, S.M.A. Sedes Sapientiae,
Semarang, Jawa Tengah
·            Indonesian Society of Psychology (HIMPSI), Board of Advisory
·            American Psychological Association (APA), International Affiliate
·            International Council of Psychologist (ICP), Member
·            International Network for Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD), Core Member
·            Asia & Pacific Network of the International Forum for Social Sciences in Health (APNET), 1993-1998, Steering Committee, South East Asia
·            International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Member & Convenor for IACCP Congress XVI, Yogyakarta, July 15-19, 2002


1979 – 1984
The Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship
Elected to Sigma Xi honorary membership
1984 – 1985
State of California,
Predoctoral Psychological Internship Grant
Fulbright Research Fellowship
Best Researcher among Social Science and Law Group, Ministry of Education and Culture
Best Case Research Award, International Forum for Social Sciences in Health, Asia Pacific Network (APNET)
Best Poster Award, National Seminar of University Competitive Grants Research Results, Ministry of Education and Culture
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) short visit award to
the University of Hamburg and University of Bundeswehr, Germany, April-May


Alfia, P., Widiastuti, E. N., Tana, S., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Assessment masalah kesehatan dalam kondisi bencana. Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (pp. 1-25). Yogyakarta: Center fot health policy and sosial studies.
Alfia, P., Widiastuti, E. N., Tana, S., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Perencanaan pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat. Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (pp. 26-39). Yogyakarta: Center for health policy and sosial studies.
Alfia, P., Widiastuti, E. N., Tana, S., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana. Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (pp. 40-59). Yogyakarta: Center for health policy and sosial studies.
Alfia, P., Widiastuti, E. N., Tana, S., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Koordinasi lintas institusi dalam kondisi bencana. Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (pp. 60-65). Yogyakarta: Center for health policy and sosial studies.
Alfia, P., Widiastuti, E. N., Tana, S., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Komunikasi. Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (Vol. 8, pp. 66-70). Yogyakarta: Center for health policy and sosial studies.
Alfia, P., Widiastuti, E. N., Tana, S., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Monitoring (pemantauan) perkembangan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana. Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (pp. 71-77). Yogyakarya: Center for health policy and sosial studies.
Alfia, P., Widiastuti, E. N., Tana, S., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Evaluasi program. Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (The Ce., pp. 78-83). Yogyakarta: Center for health policy and sosial studies.
Hidayat, R., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Program kesehatan mental terpadu dalam situasi bencana.Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (pp. 84-101). Yogyakarta: Center for health policy and sosial studies.
Hidayat, R., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Tahap gawat darurat. Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (pp. 102-127). Yogyakarta: Center for health policy and sosial studies.
Hidayat, R., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Tahap rehabilitasi. Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (pp. 127-146). Yogyakarta: Center for health policy and sosial studies.
Hidayat, R., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Tahap rekonstruksi. Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (pp. 147-161).
Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Panduan pendampingan berjenjang ganda (PPJG). Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (pp. 173-190). Yogyakarta: Center for health policy and sosial studies.
Theodorus, E., Hidayat, R., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2007). Tempat tinggal sebagai syarat dasar hidup sehat dalam situasi darurat. Pengelolaan kesehatan masyarakat dalam kondisi bencana (pp. 162-190). Yogyakarta: Center for health policy and sosial studies.
Sarintohe, E., & Prawitasari, J. E. (2006). Teori sosial-kognitif dalam menjelaskan prilaku makan sehat pada anak yang mengalami obesitas. Sosiosains, 19, 345-355.
Siswanto, & Prawitasari, J. E. (2003). Pengaruh menulis pengalaman emosional terhadap simtom-simtom depresi pada mahasiswa. Sosiohumanika, 16A, 25-42.
Prawitasari-hadiyono, J. E., Paramastri, I., Suhapti, R., Novianti, P., Widiastuti, T. R., & Rengganis, N. (2009). Social Artistry , Local Wisdom , and Post Earthquake Conflict.
Widhiarso, W. & Prawitasari, J. E. (2010). Struktur Semantik Kata Emosi dalam Bahasa Indonesia.Jurnal Psikologi, 37, 2, 153-164.
Prawitasari, J. E., Olivia, H., Handayani, H. D ., Winarti, S., & Intriaty.  (2010). Empathic Caring Consultation ( ECC ): Will It Be Able to Improve the Quality of Care at the Health Centers ?. Anima, Indonesian Psychological Journal, 26(1), 46-55.
Siaputra, I. B., Prawitasari, J. E., Hastjarjo, T. D., & Azwar, S. (2011). Subjective and Projective Measures of Thesis Writing Procrastination : Real World and The Sims World. Anima, Indonesian Psychological Journal, 26(2), 128-149.
Nugraheni, W, Tana, S., & Prawitasari, J.E. (Eds.). (2005). Kekerasan terhadap perempuan: Perspektif dan penanganan (Violence against women: perspectives and treatments). Yogyakarta: CHPSS & The Ford Foundation.
Prawitasari, J.E., Suryawati, S., Danu, S, Santoso, B. (1996). Interactional Group Discussion: Results of a controlled trial using a behavioral intervention to reduce the use of injections in public health facilities. Social Science & Medicine: an international journal, 42, 8, 1177-1184
Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E. (1997). Overgebruik injecties in Indonesie (in Dutch language), WemosScoop, Mei-Juni, Nummer 3, 7-8
Prawitasaari, J.E. (1997). Are gestures in harmony with facial expressions (in Bahasa Indonesia)?Jurnal Psikologi, 2, 10-21.
Prawitasari, J.E, (1998). The quality of stimuli in emotion study (in Bahasa Indonesia). Jurnal Psikologi, 1, 1-16.
Prawitasari, J.E. (1998). Emotional Intelligence (in Bahasa Indonesia). Buletin Psikologi, 1,.21-31.
Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E. (1998). Behavior therapy in Indonesia. In Tian P.S. Oei (Ed.).Behavior therapy in Asia . Glebe, NSW,Australia: Edumedia, Pty. Ltd.
Prawitasari, J.E. (2001). Social-psychological indicator of public health. Journal of Health Service Management (in bahasa Indonesia), 04, 02, 67-74.
Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E, (2001). Culture and health entry in W.E. Craighead & C.B. Nemeroff (Eds.). The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science Third Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E. (2001). The development of transdisciplinary approach in drug use studies Indonesian experience. In N. Higginbotham, R. Briceño-Leon, & N. Johnson (Eds.). Applying health social science: Best cases from the developing world. London: Zed
Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E. (2002). Research innovation in health service management (in Bahasa Indonesia). Journal of Health Service Management, 05, 01, 1-2.
Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E. (2002). Report on the XVI congress of the IACCP: July 15-19, 2002, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin, 36, 4, 15-23.
Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E. (2003). Clinical psychology: From micro to macro application (in Bahasa Indonesia). Anima: Indonesian Psychological Journal, 18, 3, 215-228.
Prawitasari, J. E. & Tana, S., (Eds.). (2005). Women’s reproductive rights and health in the neighboring countries : Lessons learned from Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore.Yogyakarta: CHPSS & the Ford Foundation.
Prawitasari, J.E. (2006). Gestalt approach in organization. Anima, 21, 4, 378-394.
Prawitasari, J.E. (2006). Emotion or perception of emotion? Anima, 22, 1,1-16.
Prawitasari, J.E. (2007). Multilevel helping guidelines in CHPSS: Public health in natural disasters.Yogyakarta: CHPSS.
Prawitasari, J.E., Paramastri, I., Suhapti, R., & Prabandari, Y.S. (2007). Psychotherapy applied in organization and community. Unpublished Report. Yogyakarta: GMU Teaching Grant.

Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E. (2007). The Ford Foundation Post Disasters Integrated Recovery Program. Unpublished Progress and Process Report.. Jakarta: IIEF.
Prawitasari, J.E. & Suhapti, R. (2008). Humanity concepts to cope with disasters. Unpublished Report. Yogyakarata: Faculty of Psychology, UGM.
Prawitasari, J.E., Paramastri, I., & Suhapti, R. (2007). Village reflection: social artistry to revitalize local wisdoms and manage conflicts. Unpublished Report. Yogyakarta: Research and Community Service Institution, UGM.
Prawitasari, J. E. 2008. Religious issue in psychotherapy. Anima, 23, 4, 325-332.
Prawitasari-Hadiyono, J.E., Suhapti, R., Paramastri, I., Novianti, L.P., Ratih, T., and Rengganis, N. (2009).Social Artistry, Lokales Wissen und Konflikte nach einem Erdbeben. Zeitschrift für Psychodraman und Soziometrie, 8:277-295.
Santoso, B., Suryawati, S., & Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E.(1996). Small group intervention vs. formal seminar for improving appropriate drug use. Social Science & Medicine: an international journal, 42, 8, 1163-1168.


Research Grants

Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E. Principal Investigator. Sensitizing Police Force & Lawmakers on women’s rights in reproductive health, 2002-2004, Ford Foundation.
Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E. Principal Invesitigator. Developing community awareness toward women’s reproductive rights and health through integrated reproductive health services, 2004-2006, Ford Foundtion.
Prawitasari, J.E. Principal Investigator. The application of psychotherapy in organization and community, February-July 2007, UGM: Competitive Grant for teaching innovation.
Prawitasari, J.E. Principal Investigator. The concept of humanity to cope with natural disaster: action research in Bantul Regency, September 2007- February 2008. UGM, Faculty of Psychology: Competitive Grant for action research from PHKA3.
Prawitasari, J.E. Prinicipal Investogator. Happy stage as a back up toward reconstruction of housing program and manage conflict in the village. June-December 2007. UGM: Competitive Grant from Research and Community Service Institution.
Prawitasari, J.E. Internal Evaluator to the Ford Foundation Network for integrated recovery program from natural disaster in Bantul Regency. Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF): June-November 2007.
Prawitasari, J.E. Vignettes of the Berliners. Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), July-September, 2008.
Prawitasari, J.E. Co-Investigator with Manfred Zaumseil (INA Berlin, Germany) as the Principal Investigator and Gavin Sullivan (Monash University, Melbourne, Atustralia) as co-investigator.Individual and collective ways of coping long-term with extreme suffering and external help after natural disaster. Thirty months later: Narratives about life after the earthquake in Bantul, Yogyakarta. The Thyssen Foundation: 2008-2010 (in the process of requesting extention to 2011)
Prawitasari, J.E.. Empathic Caring Consultation (ECC) and the rational use of analgesics to improve the quality of care in primary health centers. Faculty of Psychology, UGM Professor’s grants. April-August, 2009

Scientific Presentations

·        Asia Pacific Social Science And Medicine (APSSAM) Fourth Conference, “Current Issues in Health Social Science in the Asia Pacific Region” (Invited Speaker), Yogyakarta, December 1998.
·        University of Bundeswehr and University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, Mini lectures in “The Concept of Emotion of Indonesian People”and “Behavior Therapy in Indonesia” (invited lecturer), April-May 1999.
·        International Council of Psychologists 58th Annual Convention, Behavioral Science in Health Policy Studies, University of Padua, Italy, 16-21 July 2000.
·        Asia Pacific Social Science & Medicine Vth Conference, Behavioral Science in Health Policy Studies: Bridging the gap between Social Science and Medicine (invited speaker), 25-28 September 2000, Kandi, Sri Lanka.
·        Promoting Rational Drug Use-INRUD International Course, Face to Face Intervention & Public Education (facilitator): October 9-20, 2000, Padang, Sumatera, Indonesia.
·        Knowledge Management of Resourcing Public Health Workshop, Socio-Cultural and Behavioral Knowledge Management for Public Health (invited speaker), 19-22 March, 2001, Bangkok Thailand.
·        Teaching and Curriculum of Health Social Science Workshop, Developing Multidisciplinary Program in Behavioral Medicine at GMU (invited speaker), June 21-23, 2001, University of the De La Salle, Manila, Phillippines.
·        Teaching of Health Social Science Workshop, Action Research Design in Health Service Management at GMU (invited speaker) during VI Asia Pacific Social Science and Medicine (APSSAM) Conference, Kunming, China, October 14-18 2002.
·        Behavioral Medicine Practice to Reduce the Unnecessary Use of Analgesics in Health Centers (poster presentation) during Second International Conference on Improving Use of  Medicines (ICIUM), Chiang Mai, Thailand, March 30 – April 2, 2004.